Trainee Profiles
Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program
- Katelin Davis, D.V.M. (Purdue University)
- Kerry Goldin, D.V.M. (Michigan State University)
- Zachary Millman, D.V.M. (Michigan State University)
- Steven Hsu, D.V.M. (Michigan State University)
- Chaunte Lewis, D.V.M. (Michigan State University)
- Patrick Huang, D.V.M. (Purdue University)
- Helena Vogel, D.V.M. (Colorado State University)
- Adrianne Glaser, D.V.M. (Michigan State University)
- Kyleigh Tyler, D.V.M. (Michigan State University)
- Hilary Ann Lakin, D.V.M. (Purdue University)
- Jessica Rizor, D.V.M. (Colorado State University)
- DaZané Cole, D.V.M. (Michigan State University)
Katelin Davis, D.V.M.
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

- Pamela Guerrerio, M.D., Ph.D. Laboratory of Allergic Diseases, NIAID
- Margaret Miller, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVP Purdue University
Dr. Davis is a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program in partnership with Purdue University and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, July 2019 – present.
Prior to joining the program, Dr. Davis received her DVM in May of 2019 from the Ohio State University where she first gained interest in allergic disease research. Dr. Davis is interested in how genetically modified mouse models of allergies can be utilized to unravel the complex mechanisms driving allergic response and assist in the development of new immunomodulatory treatments.
▲ Back to TopKerry Goldin, D.V.M.
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Rocky Mountain Laboratories

- Emmie de Wit, Ph.D. Molecular Pathogenesis Unit, NIAID
- Dalen Agnew, D.V.M, DACVP, Ph.D. Michigan State University
Dr. Goldin is a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program in partnership with Michigan State University and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, July 2019 - present.
Prior to joining the program, Dr. Goldin received her D.V.M. in May of 2019 from the University of Minnesota. She has completed her diagnostic pathology training and the university portion of her research at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. In July of 2021, she started the laboratory portion of her research at Rocky Mountain Laboratory within the Laboratory of Virology Molecular Pathogenesis Unit. Dr. Goldin’s research interests lie in the area of infectious disease and comparative pathobiology. Specifically, the study of emerging viral pathogens, pathogenesis of dormancy and reactivation of these emerging viral antigens, and animal disease modeling.
▲ Back to TopZachary Millman, D.V.M.
- Diplomate, ACVP
- National Cancer Institute

- Lalage Wakefield, Ph.D. Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics, NCI
- Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan, Ph.D. Michigan State University
Dr. Millman is a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program in partnership with Michigan State University and the National Cancer Institute, July 2019 - present.
Prior to joining the program, Dr. Millman received his D.V.M. in May of 2019 from Colorado State University. He recently completed his diagnostic pathology training and the university portion of his research at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan and has joined the Wakefield Laboratory at the NCI. His research interests include understanding the role of the tumor microenvironment in tumorigenesis, the interaction between the immune system and cancer cells, and the molecular and cellular events leading to breast cancer metastasis.
▲ Back to TopSteven Hsu, D.V.M.
- Diplomate, ACVP
- National Cancer Institute

- Lab, Scott Durum, Ph.D. Laboratory of Molecular Immunoregulation, NCI
- Katheryn Meek, D.V.M. Michigan State University
Dr. Hsu is a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program in
partnership with Michigan State University and the National Cancer Institute, July 2018 - present.
Prior to joining the program, Dr. Hsu received his D.V.M. in May of 2018 from the University of
California, Davis. He completed his diagnostic pathology training at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, and has joined the Durum Laboratory at the NCI. His research interests include understanding the molecular mechanism of oncogenesis, oncogene collaboration, and the development of targeted therapies. His current research focuses on the collaboration between a mutant hIL7Rα and overexpression of RasGRP1 in a mouse model of T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Chaunte Lewis, D.V.M.

- Dr. Michael Gottesman, M.D. Laboratory of Cell Biology, NCI
- Dalen Agnew, D.V.M, DACVP, Ph.D. Michigan State University
Dr. Lewis is a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program in partnership with Michigan State university and the National Cancer Institute, July 2020-present.
Prior to joining the program, dr. Lewis received her D.V.M. in May of 2020 from the Ohio State University. She recently completed her diagnostic pathology training and the university portion of her research at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan and has joined the Tanner Laboratory at the NCI. Her research interests include the effects of tissue mechanical properties on tumor metastasis and further establishing the zebrafish as a model organism for cancer metastasis.
▲ Back to TopPatrick Huang, D.V.M.

- • Margaret Miller, D.V.M., Ph.D. Purdue University
- Dr. Tim Greten Gastrointestinal Malignancy Section, NCI
Dr. Huang is a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program in partnership with Purdue University and the National Cancer Institute, July 2020 - present.
Prior to joining the program, Dr. Huang received his D.V.M in May of 2020 from the University of California, Davis. He is currently completing diagnostic pathology training and the university portion of
his research at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. His research goal is to better understand the role of the host immune system in tumor development and progression with the goal of advancing cancer therapeutics.
Helena Vogel, D.V.M.

- Gabe Starrett, PhD Viral Oncogenesis Section, LCO, NCI
- Allison Vilander, DVM, PhD Colorado State University
Dr. Vogel is a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Program in partnership with Colorado State University and the National Cancer Institute, July 2021 - present. Prior to joining the program, Dr. Vogel received a D.V.M. in May 2021 from University of California, Davis. She completed her diagnostic pathology residency training at Colorado State University and joined the Starrett laboratory at the NCI. Her research interests include comparative pathobiology, characterizing animal models and understanding the molecular mechanisms of viral oncogenesis. Her current research focuses on the role of BK polyomavirus and APOBEC3 in urothelial carcinogenesis.
▲ Back to TopAdrianne Glaser, D.V.M.
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

My research interested broadly focus on infectious disease, including host-pathogen interactions, bacterial and viral molecular pathogenesis, the interaction of infectious agents with the immune system, and the contribution of immune reactions to disease pathogenesis. Prior to joining CBSTP I completed my B.S. in Microbiology and my DVM both at Purdue University.
▲ Back to TopKyleigh Tyler, D.V.M.

Dr. Kyleigh Tyler is a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program in partnership with Michigan State University and the National Cancer Institute, July 2023 – present.
Prior to joining the program, Dr. Tyler received her Bachelor of Science from Utah State University and D.V.M. from The Ohio State University in 2023. Her research interests include comparative and translational oncology and the tumor microenvironment.
▲ Back to TopHilary Ann Lakin, D.V.M.

Dr. Lakin is a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program in partnership with Purdue University and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, July 2023 - present.
Prior to joining the program, Dr. Lakin received her B.A. in Russian Studies from Macalester College and D.V.M. from Oregon State University. Her research interests include zoonotic infectious disease, comparative pathobiology, and epidemiology.
▲ Back to TopJessica Rizor, D.V.M.

- Laboratory/Branch: to be determined
- Macallister Harris D.V.M, Ph.D., Dipl ACVP Colorado State University
Dr. Rizor is a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Program in partnership with Colorado State University, July 2023 – present.
Prior to joining the program, Dr. Rizor completed both her B.S. in Microbiology and her D.V.M at Michigan State University. Her research interests broadly include molecular immunology, translational research, and the tumor microenvironment.
▲ Back to TopDaZané Cole, D.V.M.

Dr. DaZané Cole is a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program in partnership with Michigan State University, July 2024-present.
Prior to joining the program, Dr. Cole received her Bachelor of Science from Sweet Briar College and D.V.M from The Ohio State University in 2024. Her research interests broadly include comparative and translational infectious disease, immunology, and retroviruses.
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