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MSU in its collaboration with the NIH CBSTP provides foundational diagnostic pathology training at the university, prior to the trainees’ dissertation research, which is carried out at the NIH. The Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic investigation (PDI) in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Michigan State University fosters excellence in research, teaching, service, and outreach. The department strives to provide an excellent environment for trainees, veterinary and graduate students, faculty and staff. The specific objectives of the department are to: furnish a high quality and technologically advanced experience in both pre-clinical and clinical years for the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree Program; support innovative graduate degree programs leading to the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in pathology; generate and disseminate new knowledge in pathology; and distribute novel and pathologically relevant information through scholarly publications, research proposals, and collaborative research efforts.


The MSU VDL is one of the premier veterinary diagnostic laboratories in the world and provides full-service laboratory support using state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to the MSU Veterinary Medical Center, as well as to clients nationally and internationally. VDL service sections include: Anatomic & Surgical Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Bacteriology & Mycology, Endocrinology, Immunodiagnostics & Parasitology, Nutrition, Toxicology, and Virology. The VDL anatomic pathology section provides surgical and molecular pathology and necropsy services for all species. The section incorporates specialized testing and services including: oncopathology, dermatopathology, ocular pathology, and hepatic and gastrointestinal specialties, melanoma and mast cell tumor diagnostics and prognostication, lymphoma clonality testing, automated immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, and genetic testing.

The necropsy service has large, well-equipped BL2 and BL3 necropsy suites, designated rooms for avian necropsies, demonstration viewing areas, and advanced equipment for telecommunication and digital gross imaging. Other capabilities include performance of GLP studies, laser capture microdissection, generation of tissue-microarrays, and electron microscopy. The VDL is devoted to staying on the cutting edge of diagnostics and recent investments have included movement to a ‘green’ (xylene free) histology department with automated slide staining and cover slipping, digital PCR, and next generation sequencing.

MSU Vet Diagnostic LabMSU Vet Diagnostic Lab2




Curriculum/Degree Requirements

Residents in the NIH CBSTP combined residency and PhD program at MSU will be located at the VDL and participate in both the necropsy and surgical biopsy services. Residents will enroll in the MSU  Comparative Medicine and Integrative Biology Program (CMIB) as a graduate student. The major goal of our graduate training program is to select and train scientists, with or without clinical training, to design and conduct hypothesis-driven studies that elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of diseases. Our program is committed to providing excellent graduate training in comparative pathology and resident training in diagnostic veterinary anatomic and clinical pathology.

VDL Case Load

Percentage of case submissions by species


 Small Animals

Large Animals

Exotic/Zoo Animals

Lab Animals


95 %

3 %

1 %

1 %


55 %

35 %

5 %

5 %

The anatomic pathology section receives ~1200 necropsy cases and ~17000 biopsy cases annually.

Specialty Rounds

Dermatopathology, Oncology/Integrated Pathology, Ocular Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Gross Image, Necropsy, Laboratory Animal

Required Course Work

24 credits

Dissertation research:
24 credits

Required Courses:



Advanced General Pathology

3 credits

Advanced Systemic Pathology

3 credits

Advanced Clinical Pathology

3 credits

Case Based Seminar

2 credits

Selective courses in Pathology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology or Cell Biology

6 credits

Selective courses in Statistics, Experimental Design, Epidemiology

3 credits

Responsible Conduct of Research seminar series

7 workshops


Elective Pathology courses that may be used to fulfill the total course requirements:



Laboratory Animal Pathology

2 credits

Pathology of Neoplastic Diseases of Domestic Animals

2 credits

Avian Pathology

2 credits


Time Spent in Activities For Combined Pathology/PhD Training







Year 1 Combined Program






Year 2 Combined Program






NIH Dissertation Research






Trainees will regularly rotate through necropsy and surgical biopsies, and be exposed to clinical pathology via courses, rounds and seminars. While on service, residents will be under the supervision of a senior pathologist.


Trainees will assist with instruction of veterinary students in the pathology clerkship through necropsy service duty and classroom instruction. There are also select teaching opportunities in the preclinical curriculum. Many residents are also involved in leading rounds sessions with the MSU CVM Pathology Club.

Travel and Attendance of meetings and Workshops

Residents receive yearly travel funds and dedicated time off service that allow them to attend national training sessions including C.L. Davis courses and symposia. All residents annually attend and present cases at the Midwest Association of Veterinary Pathologists (MAVP) annual meeting. Most residents annually attend and present at the ACVP or AAVLD national meetings.


MSU Surgical PathMSU Necropsy Floor


MSU surgical pathology rounds room (left) and MSU VDL BL2 necropsy floor (right).








Disclaimer: This information is provided as general background only, is not specific program policy and is subject to change. Since graduate education is highly individualized you are advised to check with the university program directly for up to date information and requirements.


 The Department offers a rigorous yet flexible graduate program in a stimulating learning environment through formal courses, seminars, journal clubs and one-on-one interactions with productive and highly motivated scientists. Collaborations with faculty in other departments and institutes at Purdue University and the Indiana University School of Medicine create excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary research and training. The Department of Comparative Pathobiology also engages in diagnostic and outreach activities that serve the welfare of animals, people and the environment in the State of Indiana and beyond. 

Purdue University Building 1



The Purdue Veterinary Teaching Hospital, established since 1959, is the only veterinary teaching hospital in Indiana. It provides general and specialized veterinary services for both small animals and large animals. The VTH serves as a primary referral center for veterinarians in the State of Indiana. General services include internal medicine, surgery, and wellness care, as well as specialized sections within the hospital which include Anesthesiology, Behavior, Cardiology, Clinical Pathology, Dentistry, Dermatology, Diagnostic Imaging, Neurology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Pharmacy, Radiation Oncology, and Theriogenelogy. These areas provide support services for all species. The Indiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory is housed at Purdue University (ADDL) and serves the people of Indiana by diagnosing disease in livestock, poultry, companion animals, and wildlife, as well as providing blood testing of animals for federal disease programs.

Purdue also has adjunct faculty from the pharmaceutical industry who participate in seminar and other core courses to expose residents to toxicologic pathology and laboratory animal pathology. 


Purdue University Building 2

Curriculum/Degree Requirements

The MS-Residency program in veterinary pathology combines a 3-year residency in diagnostic anatomic pathology (based in the Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, the Clinical Pathology Laboratory in the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, and the Department of Comparative Pathobiology) and graduate courses in pathology and other subjects leading to a non-thesis MS degree. A student successfully completing the 3-year program is eligible for the certifying examination of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists and may seek to continue in a PhD research program at Purdue University or another location. For students pursuing both pathology training leading to ACVP eligibility and research training leading to the PhD, this plan temporally separates these goals.

Case load

  • Small 41%,
  • Large 41%,
  • Exotic/Zoo 13%,
  • Lab Animals 5%

Specialty Rounds

  • Teaching Hospital/Diagnostic Lab Histopathology,
  • Neuropathology, Ophthalmology

Unique opportunities

Share facilities with Dept. of Natural Resources (wildlife)

Required Course Work


Determined by graduate student and PhD committee

Courses Credits
Anatomic Path  
Adv Vet Anat Path  
Adv Path Seminar  
Research Seminar  
Avian Path  
Lab Animal Path  
Cell Injury  
Infectious Diseases  
Neoplastic Diseases  
Ultrastructural Path  

Percentage of Time Spent in Activities For Combined Pathology/PhD Training

Anatomic Pathology Service Teaching Seminar/Cources Research Other
Year 1 Combined Program 50 10 30 0 10
Year 2 Combined Program 25 40 25 0 10
NIH Dissertation Research 0 0 10 90  

Service – residents will regularly rotate through necropsy and surgical biopsies, and be exposed to clinical pathology via courses, rounds and seminars. While on service, residents will be under the supervision of a senior pathologist.

Teaching – Residents will assist with instruction of students in the pathology clerkship through Service duty and classroom instruction.



Disclaimer: This information is provided as general background only, is not specific program policy and is subject to change. Since graduate education is highly individualized you are advised to check with the university program directly for up to date information and requirements.



The Department of Veterinary Medicine is under the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGNR) at the University of Maryland and is home to the Comparative Biomedical Sciences (CBSC) Graduate Program (code: VMSC). The Department of Veterinary Medicine is the Maryland Campus of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.


The Comparative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (CBSC) offers a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree. Members of the CBSC faculty specialize in a wide range of research topics in infectious diseases and zoonoses, including cell and molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, virology, vaccine development, and poultry health management and disease prevention.

Maryland Campus





Admission to the CBSC Graduate Program

The application package.

Prospective students are required to submit:

  • resume/CV
  • academic transcripts
  • GRE scores if available
  • English proficiency scores if applicable
  • 3 letters of recommendation*
  • statement of research goals and experience,
  • list of published works if available.

*Letters of recommendation must be from persons competent to judge the applicant's probable success in graduate school. These letters are usually from the applicant's former professors, who can give an in-depth evaluation of the applicant's strengths and weaknesses concerning academic achievement. Additional recommendations may come from employers or supervisors who are familiar with the applicant's work experience.

CBSC Graduate Admission and Examination Review Committee reviews applications and credentials. Admission is dependent on the availability of a faculty member in the proposed area of study who is willing to assume the responsibility of the Advisor and the availability of funding. Once a suitable Advisor is identified, the Graduate Admission and Examination Review Committee Chair notifies the Graduate School of the Department’s recommendation on admission status. Only the Graduate School can issue an official offer of admission.

University of Maryland Graduate School application guide:


Please address all questions regarding your application to the CBSC program to Dr. George Belov (


The Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine (VMRCVM) is the only truly regional veterinary college in the United States. The College was established as a joint venture between two major land grant universities, the University of Maryland and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech). The College has three major campuses:

  1.  Avrum Gudelsky Veterinary Center in College Park, Maryland,
  2. Marion Scott Dupont Equine Medical Center in Leesburg, VA,
  3. and the main teaching hospital and research facility at Blacksburg, Virginia.

Please visit links below for more information on facilities at the different locations:

The Maryland campus of the VMRCVM focuses on research, education and outreach, and our faculty provide a myriad of related services throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Veterinary teaching hospitals are located in Blacksburg and Leesburg, VA. 

The College Park campus is ideally situated near a number of federal agencies involved in veterinary medical sciences. Collaborative initiatives are underway with the

  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Centers for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) and Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN);
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS);
  • Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS);
  • Agricultural Research Service (ARS);
  • Beltsville Agriculture Research Service (BARC);
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH);
  • Walter Reed National Military Medical Center;
  • World Bank;
  • and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

Scientists from some of these agencies have adjunct appointments with the College of Veterinary Medicine and participate on students’ graduate committees.

Curriculum/Degree Requirements

Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Applicants with a D.V.M may be admitted to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program. Students must complete the course requirements of 12 credits in addition to a minimum of 12 dissertation research credits (VMSC899). Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or better in courses taken for graduate credit per Graduate School policy.


The plan of study must be approved by the Advisor and Chair of the Graduate Admissions and Examination Review Committee by the end of the first semester of enrollment. By the end of the fourth semester, a student should have completed their core course requirement and present a dissertation research proposal to the Advisory Committee. For entering Ph.D. candidacy, a student must pass a qualifying examination (written and oral) satisfactorily by the end of the sixth semester. A dissertation based on independent and original research must be submitted to the CBSC Program and the Graduate School. The student must present the dissertation in a public seminar and pass a final oral examination given by the Advisory Committee.

Coursework Requirements:





Responsible Conduct of Research for Biologists



One Health Seminar



Journal Club in Comparative Biomedical Sciences (Journal Club in Comparative Biomedical Sciences)


Restricted Electives (Choose 7 credits from the following):



Recombinant Viral Vectors



Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases



Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Disease)



Use of Genomics and Proteomics in Infectious Disease



Viral Pathogenesis



Immunology of Infectious Diseases



Dissertation Research


Total Credits




  • Dr. Xiaoping Zhu Professor and Department Chair Host mucosal immune responses to infections and the control of inflammation.
  • Dr. George Belov Associate Professor Replication of positive-strand RNA viruses and virus-host interaction
  • Dr. Seth Dickey Assistant Professor Physiology, virulence, and antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria as well as the mechanisms of new antimicrobials.
  • Dr. Mostafa Ghanem Assistant Professor The development of advanced molecular diagnostics and typing schemes using next-generation sequencing for molecular typing and epidemiological investigation of infectious diseases of economic (Avian Mycoplasma) and public health significance (foodborne pathogens).
  • Dr. Daniel Nelson Professor Antimicrobial discovery with a focus on endolysins, a class of bacteriophage-derived peptidoglycan hydrolase enzymes
  • Dr. Utpal Pal Professor Biology and Prevention of Tick-borne infections (Lyme Disease & Anaplasmosis) and Leptospirosis
  • Dr. Jaekeun Park Assistant Professor Investigation of protective and pathological mucosal immune responses to influenza viruses to identify effective therapeutic and vaccine interventions against influenza and other zoonotic respiratory viruses.
  • Dr. Sean Riley Assistant Professor Molecular and cellular interactions between intracellular bacteria and mammalian cells with a focus on tick-transmitted pathogens of the genus Rickettsia.
  • Dr. Meiqing Shi Associate Professor Host immune responses to fungal infection and parasite infection.
  • Dr. Nathaniel Tablante Professor Develop and disseminate practical science-based information on the prevention and control of poultry diseases such as Avian Influenza and Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) to poultry industry personnel, Extension specialists, educators, veterinarians, state and federal agencies, scientists, and the general public.
  • Dr. Yanjin Zhang Associate Professor Virus-cell interactions, viral pathogenesis and vaccine development


Disclaimer: This information is provided as general background only, is not specific program policy and is subject to change. Since graduate education is highly individualized you are advised to check with the university program directly for up to date information and requirements.

Sarah Cramer, D.V.M., Ph.D.


Dr. Cramer was a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program in partnership with University of Maryland and the National Cancer Institute, July 2011 – 2017. 

Prior to joining the program, Dr. Cramer received her B.A. in biology from St. Mary’s College of Maryland (2002) and her D.V.M. from Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine (2008). She completed a residency in veterinary anatomic pathology at Oklahoma State University (2008 – 2011), and was board-certified by The American College of Veterinary Pathologists in 2011. In 2011, Dr. Cramer joined the CBSTP in partnership with the University of Maryland. She completed her dissertation research in the NCI Laboratory of Molecular Immunoregulation, headed by Scott Durum, Ph.D.

Dr. Cramer's research interests include pediatric oncology, IL-7R signaling pathways, leukemogenic genetic mutations, collaborative pathology, and digital image analysis of histology slides.

Sarah Cramer, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Senior Pathologist, ToxPath Specialists (a StageBio Company), Frederick, MD
"Mutant IL-7R alpha and NRAS are sufficient to induce T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia."
Diplomate, ACVP
Program Graduate 2017
University Partner
Cornell University (D.V.M.), University of Maryland (Ph.D.)

Tiffany (Reed) Lyle, D.V.M., Ph.D.


Dr. Lyle was a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program in partnership with the Purdue University and the National Cancer Institute, July 2009 - 2016. 

Dr. Lyle received her B.S. from the University of Georgia and her D.V.M. from the University of Georgia (2008), and following graduation initiated anatomic pathology residency at Purdue University’s Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory. Following one year of residency training, Dr. Lyle enrolled in the Molecular Pathology GPP as an NCI Cancer Research Training Fellow. She completed her diagnostic pathology training and didactic coursework in 2011 and continued her research training at NCI. Her academic program advisors were Margaret A. Miller, D.V.M., Ph.D., Diplomate, The American College of Veterinary Pathologists, Jose Ramos-Vara, D.V.M., Ph.D., Diplomate, The European College of Veterinary Pathologists, and Stephen Lenz, D.V.M., Ph.D., Diplomate, The American College of Veterinary Pathologists, and Patricia Steeg, Ph.D., Head, Women's Malignancies Branch. Dr. Lyle’s research interests include breast cancer metastasis to the brain and brain microenvironment.

Dr. Lyle presented her work at the American College of Veterinary Pathologists’ November 2013 meeting in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  Her presentation was titled, "Characterization Of The Brain Microenvironment Surrounding Permeable And Impermeable Lesions In A Mouse Model Of Brain Metastatic Inflammatory Breast Cancer".

Tiffany (Reed) Lyle, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Cook Medical
"A molecular analysis of blood-brain barrier permeability in three experimental models of brain metastasis from breast cancer."
Diplomate, ACVP
Program Graduate 2016
University Partner
University of Georgia (D.V.M.), Purdue University (Ph.D.)

Heather Tillman, D.V.M., Ph.D.


Dr. Tillman was a graduate scholar in the NIH Comparative Biomedical Scientist Training Program in partnership with the Michigan State University and the National Cancer Institute, July 2008 - 2015. 

Dr. Tillman received her B.S.A. in Animal Science from the University of Georgia (2005), her D.V.M. also from the University of Georgia (2008), and her residency certificate in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology from Michigan State University (2011). She pursued her dissertation research and training in the molecular pathology of advanced prostate cancer. Her research focused on understanding the signal transduction relating to epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity and metastatic progression using the PbCre4;PTENfl/flTP53fl/fl mouse model. Members of her graduate committee were: Matti Kiupel, Dr. Med. Vet., Ph.D., Diplomate, The American College of Veterinary Pathologist (ACVP), Michigan State University; Kathleen Kelly, Ph.D., Laboratory of Genitourinary Cancer Pathogenesis, NCI; Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan, Ph.D., Michigan State University; Ingeborg Langohr, D.V.M. Ph.D., Diplomate, The American College of Veterinary Pathologists, Michigan State University; Joshua Webster, Ph.D., Diplomate, The American College of Veterinary Pathologists. 

Dr. Tillman received a First Place, Young Investigator Award, in Experimental Pathology, from the American College of Veterinary Pathologists, at their November 2013 meeting in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. "Deregulation of The Ras Signaling Axis Promotes Metastasis Via The Nfkb Pathway in The Pten-/-Tp53-/- Mouse Prostate Cancer Model". 

Heather Tillman, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Investigative Pathologist, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis,TN
"Dissecting the signaling mechanisms associated with Ras-driven prostate cancer metastasis."
Diplomate, ACVP
Program Graduate 2015
University Partner
University of Georgia (D.V.M.), Michigan State University (Ph.D.)